Acronyms list
We understand all the acronyms used on this website can be a bit confusing and even overwhelming. That's why we created this list.
ALP | Academic Language Programme | |
ATL | Approaches to Learning | |
C&S | Community & Service | |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency | |
CAO | Collective Labour Agreement | |
CAS | Creativity, Action & Service | |
CIS | Council of International Schools | website |
CP | IB Career-Related Programme | read more |
DIPS | Dutch International Primary Schools | website |
DISS | Dutch International Secondary Schools | website |
DP | IB Diploma Programme | read more |
ELA | English Language Acquisition | |
ELL | English Language and Literacy | |
ENMS | Eerste Nederlandse Montessori School (First Dutch Montessori School) | website |
ESH | European School of The Hague | website |
ESS | Environmental Systems & Societies | |
ESSPs | Earth Systems Science Projects | read more |
EY/EY1 | Early Years (formerly Reception) and Early Years 1 (formerly Year 1) | |
GIN | Global Issues Network | website |
GLOBE | The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment | website |
IB | International Baccalaureate | website |
ICC | International Criminal Court | website |
ICP | International Community Platform | website |
IEPs | Individual Education Plans | |
ILP | Individual Leaning Programme | |
ISST | International Schools Sports Tournaments Organization | |
ITIGS | Information Technology in a Global Society | |
LS | Learning Suport | |
LS&C | Learning Support and Counselling Department | |
MR | Medezeggenschapsraad (Participation Council) | |
MYP | IB Middle years Programme | read more |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | website |
NFER | National Foundation of Educational Research | website |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | website |
NSF | National Science Foundation | website |
OOP | Onderwijs Ondersteunend Personeel (Educational Support Staff) | |
PA | Parent Association | |
PHE | Physical Health & Education | |
PSHE | Personal, Social and Health Education | read more |
PPA | Primary Parent Association | read more |
RLO | Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest | website |
RLS | Rijnlands Lyceum Sassenheim | website |
RLW | Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar | website |
S&A | Service & Action | |
SAL | Subject Area Leader | |
SC | Subject Coordinator | |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team | |
STC | Standard Terms and Conditions | |
TI | Texas Instruments | website |
TOA | Technisch Onderwijs Assistent (Technical Educational Assistant) | |
TOK | Theory of Knowledge | |
YGL | Year Group Leader | |