Chapter 14: Assessment and Reporting Progress
14.1 Assessment
Assessment plays a key role in the learning process at ISH and falls into one of two categories, assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is a formative process that takes place on a daily basis within the classroom and is used to plan the next steps along the learning journey. Examples of assessment for learning include pre-unit assessments to determine students' existing understandings, individual and small group learning conversations, opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and student-led goal setting.
Assessment of learning is a summative process and is used to measure student achievement and monitor individual progress as well as the progress of cohorts.
Using External Standardised Assessments
At the end of the academic year, all students from Years 2 to 6 are assessed using standardised tests provided by GL Education. They are a leading provider of research and assessment for schools in the UK and overseas. They provide us with various forms of data regarding progress in mathematics (PTM) and English (PTE) as well as Readiness to Learn (PASS). In addition to this, we administer the Cognitive Abilities Test (Cat 4) in Years 3 and 5. We use this information alongside our other assessments to monitor and track children’s progress.
Years 4, 5 and 6 students also participate in the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) in February, provided their level of English is sufficient. The ISA assessment programme is designed specifically for students in international schools starting in Grade 3, which is our Year 4. It is based on the internationally endorsed reading, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy frameworks of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
In previous years we took part in Mathematical Literacy, Reading and Writing (Narrative) and Writing (Exposition). After a successful trial in February 2024, we plan to also participate in Science in February 2025. The marking of these assessments is carried out by ISA and the results will be shared with parents once they are available. This assessment not only allows us to track individual students and cohorts but also compare how robust our curriculum is, and how our learner outcomes compare with those of other schools in Europe and across the world. We use the data to support learning and for curriculum evaluation and development. ISH Primary continues to produce outstanding results across all core literacies in relation to other schools. This information is shared annually with individual families and is also reported to the entire learning community via Annual Reports.
14.2 Reporting Progress
There are a number of different opportunities to receive feedback about the progress your child is making. These include Parent Teacher Consultations and written reports.
October | Parent Teacher Consultations. |
December | Mid-year progress report. |
February | Student Led Conferences. |
April | Parent Teacher Consultations. |
July | End of Year report. |
During Parent Teacher Consultations (online) in October and April, along with your child’s class teacher, specialist staff will be available for meetings. Class teachers’ and specialist teacher meetings will be organised through appointments. In February, students have the opportunity to share and showcase and articulate their learning targets with their parents during Student-Led Conferences (in person).
Class Teachers are also able to meet with parents outside of these scheduled events. Appointments are typically arranged via email. The learning support team usually arrange separate parent consultations.
For children in Pre-Early Years, parent consultations will be held at the same time as Primary consultations in April and reports are only issued at the end of the school year.
At key points throughout the year, teachers meet with the Assistant Principals to discuss the progress of each individual student in review meetings.