Chapter 16: Communication and Community Engagement
16.1 Communication
Communication between school and home plays a vital role in the learning process. There are a number of formal opportunities for communication but parents are also encouraged to keep in touch with teachers informally, and to make appointments at any time of the year to discuss anything related to their children. Seesaw is a dedicated primary-only key communication tool and parents/guardians are asked to engage regularly with this platform.
Although brief ‘information giving’ opportunities can take place before or after-school, we would always request that parents/guardians request an appointment, via email, at a mutually convenient time if they need to talk with the teacher about their child's learning or wellbeing.
Communications Channels in the Primary School
Respectful, timely communication between students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administration is a school expectation. Queries that may arise from time to time are best resolved by directing them to the appropriate person. If in doubt please contact the Primary Office
- When a question or concern involves your child and his/her learning or wellbeing, the best and first person to see is the teacher.
- Concerns that have not been suitably resolved through a conference with a teacher, and questions of a more general nature concerning the operation of the school should be discussed with the division specific Assistant Principals. Appointments can be arranged directly via email:
Ingrid McKenna for Years 4 - 6 or
Caroline Lapierre for Early Years to Year 3 - Issues which have not been suitably resolved after conferences with the teacher and an Assistant Principal may be taken to the Primary Vice Principal, Michelle Lawrence ( The Vice Principal will also be available to discuss any safeguarding matters or questions related to the general operation of the school. Sometimes matters will be referred to the Principal.
- The Primary Principal is responsible for the organisation, operation and administration of the Primary school programme. Questions about school policy, budget, governance or strategic direction are usually discussed in consultation with the Primary Participation Council (MR), together with the Secondary school team and the Rijnlands Foundation.
Health Forms
Health forms must be completed and updated by parents to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. The School Nurses keep this information confidential unless permission is given to share (for example in the case of allergies). Students will not be able to attend camps and trips if a health form is not completed.
16.2 Community Engagement
At ISH, we believe that every individual matters and can make a positive difference through respectful community engagement within and beyond the school walls. Children and adults are encouraged to laugh and work together, and to find authentic opportunities to connect with the attributes of our Community Profile and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Perhaps one of our most challenging adventures in the coming years will be to sustain our beautiful world. The school invites all members of the community to engage meaningfully with each other and nature, so that we can shape a wonderful future for everyone. The school invites everyone to commit to one of these environmental pledges.
Parent Involvement
Parents are asked to inform themselves of what is going on and engage meaningfully to ensure that their children are thriving at school. It is everyone’s responsibility to support student learning and wellbeing.
The purpose of volunteering is to enhance what the school is able to offer to all students. Apart from the occasions when teachers ask for assistance with organising learning experiences, there is a menu of meaningful volunteering possibilities that directly benefit all primary students. These include joining the PPA for ongoing events and positive social interactions, or becoming a Parent Connector or Class Parent Representative. There are opportunities throughout the year to become involved in school activities. These opportunities make a genuine difference to the learning experiences of our students. They also say something powerful to our children about how much parents value our school. Parents wishing to participate in volunteering can contact the PPA.