Chapter 22: Expectations of Parents/Guardians and Students
22.1 Guidance and Support Structures
22.1.1 Pastoral System
The term Student Support System refers to the structures, staff and programmes that we have in place to support the holistic development of, and support for, our students. Through it we provide support and guidance for students in order for each individual to achieve personal excellence through the development of social, emotional and behavioural skills that support their academic learning. We also provide support on healthy lifestyles and teach the skills - and develop knowledge - that enables our students to be successful in life after ISH. This takes place through our mentor programmes that run in all year groups as well as through supplementary small group sessions via Learning Support and Student Wellbeing. Where necessary, we also provide one-to- one support for students via the Student Wellbeing Department with a focus on mental health and social-emotional issues.
Wellbeing is an essential part of student support. Each student has a mentor who is their first point of contact in the Student Support System. Each year group has a Deputy Year Leader and Year Leader who mentor the mentor team.
Hence, the following members of staff are involved in the pastoral guidance of students:
- Mentors.
- Year Leaders and Deputy Year Leaders.
- Deputy Head Student Support.
- Careers Counsellors.
- Student Wellbeing Department.
- Mentor Programme Coordinator (Years 12-13).
- School Nurses.
Role of the Mentor, Assistant Year Leaders, Year Leaders and Deputy Heads
The Mentor is the first contact person for students and parents/guardians. They guide the whole Mentor Class and individual students within it. They work under the close supervision of, and regularly reports to, the Year Leader.
The Year Leader together with the Deputy Year Leader oversees the academic progress and overall wellbeing of all the students in the year group and advises on individual situations.
Year Leaders report to the Deputy Head Student Support who works closely with the Secondary Leadership Team to ensure the effective functioning of the Student Support System and to ensure that all students receive appropriate guidance and support.
22.1.2 The Mentor Programme
The Mentor Programme promotes social and emotional development, physical and psychological well-being and approaches to learning that enable students to achieve personal excellence in all aspects of their learning.
Years 7-11
The Student Support Curriculum at ISH operates in tandem with the IB MYP CP & DP programmes, offering a comprehensive framework for nurturing the holistic growth of all learners within our diverse and globally-minded community.
Aligned explicitly with our school mission and core values, this curriculum serves as a pathway for fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among our students.
It is designed to cultivate lifelong learners who embody compassion and proactivity as engaged global citizens. Embedded within the Student Support curriculum are tailored initiatives aimed at providing targeted support to students across various facets of their academic, personal, and social development.
The Mentor Programme is a positive approach to potential issues that students may be faced with, such as bullying and making responsible choices regarding their own health, as well as aiming to consolidate study and organisational skills.
Years 12-13
In the upper school, we continue with these ideals, and focus on guidance for life beyond school. The Mentor Programme in Years 12-13 centres around issues that are of relevance to the students and takes into account their interests and concerns. These include focussing on careers, university life, exam preparations, study skills as well as fostering a well-balanced and physically active lifestyle. For this age group, preparation for life after ISH is key.
Throughout all year groups the mentor programme also embeds core aspects of the relevant IB programmes e.g Approaches to Learning, Learner Profile, Service Learning (CP), Service as Action (MYP), CAS (DP). In this sense the mentor programme is a complementary part of the life of an IB learner.
22.1.2 Anti-bullying Advisor
The contact person for Anti-bullying is Mr Simon Teal: for students at ISH Secondary. Mr Simon Teal, in close collaboration with the mentors and (Deputy) Year Leaders ensure that our students receive age appropriate education about bullying for the purposes of prevention and to monitor any bullying allegations in order to ensure that they are properly followed up.
Not all allegations are found to constitute bullying, but we always work to repair any damaged relationships that the allegations may be indicative of. Our Student Support teams act in line with the principles and approaches set out in our Anti-bullying policy.
22.2 Careers Advice
The Careers Team provides guidance and support for students from Year 9 up to and including Year 13. The team provides general and personalised support, in decision making around subject choices and regarding tertiary education, for the whole school community including students, parents, mentors and other staff. The main aim of the Careers Team is to enable students to independently and proactively make connections between their interests and the world of study and profession. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences by asking questions such as ‘who am I?’, ‘who do I want to become?’, ‘what am I good at?’, ‘what do I want to learn more?’ or ‘what do I want?’ in line with their talents, strengths, interests and aspirations.
The Careers Team inspires and enhances the ISH careers process for our students by:
- Scheduling personal meetings.
- Organising information assemblies.
- Taking care of a careers programme (Curious about Careers) in mentor lessons.
- Coordinating students using digital matching tools and reflections upon these results.
- Organising diverse career activities in the school.
- Encouraging students to have conversations about careers with family, friends and teachers.
- Encouraging students to gather information about courses.
- Encouraging students to visit Open Days and Taster Days at universities.
In addition the Careers Team assists students with application procedures.
All information about careers guidance is shared on the main website and on the student portal. Members of the Careers Team are available in the Careers Office (R105) for students to drop-in or by email:
22.3 Student Wellbeing and Counselling
The Student Wellbeing Department offers support to all students to be emotionally resilient and well-balanced individuals. The department has an open-door policy so that students can access support without an appointment. Parents/guardians and staff can also contact the department directly if they have concerns about a student or require advice. The Student Wellbeing Department makes referrals to external professionals and agencies when additional professional support is needed. Members of the department provide staff training in order to meet the needs of the community. In addition, they work collaboratively with the Designated Safeguarding Lead on all child protection cases.
Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Coordinator: leads the department and is the main point of contact for the Student Wellbeing Department and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for staff, parents and external organisations.
Student Wellbeing Counsellors: provide individual and group support to students and their families, working collaboratively with teachers and other professionals.
Social Worker: provides counselling support to students and their families in their homes as well as in school. They support students and families through the process of finding additional professional support outside school.
22.3.2 Different Types of Support
One-on-One Counselling
- Offering one-to-one counselling to discuss personal or psychological challenges.
- Sessions last for 45 minutes. Usually 8-10 sessions are offered.
- Referrals to external professionals and agencies when additional professional support is needed.
Rock and Water
Rock and Water is an assertiveness and resiliency training that uses physical and self-defence exercises as tools to increase physical, emotional and self-awareness. Further reading here:
Mentor Sessions - Wellbeing Workshops
The Student Wellbeing Department presents ‘Wellbeing workshops’ from Year 7 to 13 during mentor time. These workshops are aimed at providing psychoeducation on a variety of topics including:
- Stress Management.
- Friendship Skills.
- Fear of Failure.
- Depression.
- Social Anxiety.
- Non-violent Communication.
- Year 7 Transition from Primary to Secondary.
- Body Image.
- Love Language.
The Camino Group
The Camino Room (B007) is a non-judgmental, inclusive space that is accessible to all students. Situated within the staffed Student Wellbeing department, the main purpose of the space is to provide respite to students when they are in distress to enable them to continue with the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, students who are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, depression, low mood and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (or similar traits). Camino is also a place where students can discuss and seek support regarding experiences of any form of discrimination, in or out of school, including racial discrimination.
Any information shared with the Student Wellbeing Department will remain confidential. It can be helpful to share information with other people (e.g. parents and teachers) and this will be done with the agreement of the people involved. If someone shares information with the team that indicates that someone is at risk of significant harm, then there is a duty of care to share that information to protect the person/people involved. Please note that this duty of care supersedes GDPR regulations.
Get in Touch
Phone: Call the main Secondary School reception on 070 - 328 14 50 or internally on extensions 1009 or 2014.
Students can also drop into rooms B004, B005 and B007 for support, information and advice.
Centre for Youth and Family ((CJG-Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin)
Schools in the Netherlands are supported by the Centre for Youth and Family (CJGCentrum voor Jeugd en Gezin), a service offering Health examinations and monitoring by specialist youth doctors and nurses.
Your child’s health - health examinations and monitoring
Our school works together with the youth doctors and nurses from the Centre for Youth and Family. The CJG provides information, advice and support to children and parents on child development and parenting in The Hague. The youth doctors and nurses monitor the children’s growth and development during routine health consultations. The appointments take place at set moments during the child’s school career.
Secondary Education health consultation and Youth Consultation:
All students will be invited for a health consultation by the school nurse in Year 9. This consultation includes monitoring growth, development and lifestyle. The consultations also allow students to ask questions.
Additional support:
Students and parents may always consult the youth doctor or youth nurses for an additional health check or to discuss issues related to development (including puberty) and parenting. To arrange an appointment, please call the CJG: 070 - 752 80 00.
The youth doctor or youth nurse takes part in the school committee meetings.
Children in the Netherlands are offered vaccinations according to the National Immunisation Programme (RIVM). During Secondary Education your child will be invited to receive vaccinations against cervix cancer (Human Papilloma Virus: HPV) and meningitis (Men ACWY). The youth doctors and nurses from the CJG administer these vaccinations. Your child will automatically receive this invitation. More information:
Your Child’s Details:
The youth doctors and youth nurses from the CJG use the personal data from the school’s records. Please inform your school if you disagree with the exchange of these data. If your child fails to attend the appointment, the youth doctor or nurse will try to call you. If they are unable to contact you, they might ask the school how your child is doing, unless you have requested the school not to disclose any information.
More Information and Contact:
For more information about these CJG services, contact the youth doctors and nurses from the CJG. On workdays, you can call 070 - 752 80 00. You can also visit the website