Our goal within Primary is to provide a safe, secure environment for every one of our students to begin their journey in education. Our pastoral care systems and programmes are central to them finding their individual path.

Every class benefits from a Class teacher/Teacher Assistant partnership ensuring all our young students receive the attention they need from day one. This team is supported by both a highly experienced Year Leader and Assistant Principal - Pastoral.

The ISH Community Profile  - 'SquISH' is used in Primary to emphasise the types of characteristics or dispositions that we wish to develop in our students.   The children come up with their own class agreements based around the Student Charter responsibilities of being Safe, Respectful and Responsible.  These dispositions and responsibilities are referred to throughout the day in all lessons.   In addition through weekly PSHE lessons the children discuss these in more depth as well as learning about families, relationships and friendships, dealing with conflicts, emotions and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

Within Primary we also have trained staff who can support children  who have specific concerns, for example: children experiencing bereavement, bullying, trauma or other challenges.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Find out how seriously we take safeguarding and child protection


We aim to foster a safe and healthy environment conducive to students’ learning and growing while at ISH.